This command enables you to create a compiled script, or script application, from shell input or a text file. Osacompile is the second part of the command line AppleScript trio, and a very powerful one. Therefore, if you need a specific OSA language, osalang is a handy way to test for that. The preceding command would return the following: For example, to look for JavaScript and get its feature set, you use the following: In other words, by using osalang and grep, you can test for a given language or set of capabilities. "convenience" APIs to execute scripts in one step. Manipulating the event create and send functions. The capabilities of the languages translate as follows: The output shows that I have a few different potential languages with different capabilities. Scpt appl cgxervdh Generic Scripting System (Transparently supports all installed OSA scripting systems.) Jscr LNS cgxe-v-h JavaScript (JavaScript Scripting System)ĪsDB asDB cgxe-v-h AppleScript Debugger (Script Debugger's AppleScript debugger) ascr appl cgxervdh AppleScript (AppleScript.)
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If I run osalang with the -L switch on the Mac on which I'm writing this chapter, which gives me all the available languages and their capabilities, I get the following: □ osascript osalang is the command that enables you to see what OSA languages are installed on a given Mac. You can use three shell commands to connect a shell script to AppleScript:

What if you can't prebuild the script ahead of time, or you need to talk to the shell environment from AppleScript? Worry not, Apple has taken care of that. How do you actually link AppleScript and shell script together? As you saw in the earlier example, you can use a shell script to start an AppleScript application.